Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March Madness - 2012

My bro Taylor and my niece Cambridge in Denver for St. Patty's Day!

 Robert and I went to CO with my niece for a partial spring break!  Cambridge hadn't ever been skiing and it was Robert's first time skiing this late in the season so a first time for everything! 
Cambridge's first day of ski school!  She did so good! 

 We skied at Eldora, which is right outside of Nederland, which is right outside of Boulder.  Great little place, not a crazy resort.  I highly recommend if you are in the area.  It didn't hurt that our friend's brother worked out there.  It was as if we had the run of the mountain (not that it was the end of the season or anything!)
"I LOVE skiing!  I want to ski down Mt. Everest!"  Go get 'em kiddo.
 Cambridge did so well her first 1/2 lesson, she 'graduated' from the RED school to YELLOW the next day.  She was so excited she exclaimed "I want to ski down Mt. Everest!"  I told her she should get past day #2 in school.  I have a feeling this Florida gal will be tearing up the slopes in no time!
Taylor and I getting our runs in!  I wish we lived closer.

My lil brother came down from Ft. Collins and skied with us for a couple of days.  Ironic that Robert and I took Taylor out to his first snowboarding trips while he was still in high school and now he's a pro on the slopes!  We don't see each other as much as I'd like, he's a good kid.  *sniffle*

Training consisted of snowboarding and a couple of runs while I was gone (I reeeeaaaalllllyyyy wanted to get a long in while in elevation, but things came up).  I got back in the groove when we got home...pronto.  I hate being out of my routine.  First things first, 10 miles on Thursday, in the rain.  I'm getting used to running in the rain, I guess I used to think I'd melt...I don't.  :)  Long 3 hour ride on Sat.   I got in 53+ miles, I had intervals/steady state work to get in.  With the different bike sessions I've been putting in, I can tell my strength on the bike is improving.  I've heard I'll need this strength for WILDFLOWER!!  sh*t, that's only 5 weeks away!!!! 

Bright sunny 50+ miles with H2! 

Final Four Baby!!  Rock Chalk!
 I live in Lawrence, Kansas.  Home of the Kansas Jayhawks.  In case you haven't heard, they are going to the final four.  Sat. afternoon, they beat UNC.  If you follow KU basketball at all, you'd know how special that win was.
Celebrating KU in the Final Four with DJB.
 We now live very close to downtown.  I hadn't planned on celebrating, but the traffic/horns/fireworks/craziness didn't allow me to do anything else but join in.  What's the saying, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em?  It is quite the sight to see when the entire town congregates into a 3 or so block downtown street.  Pretty cool.
This is how we should all get around when drinking.  In case you can't see it, here's a link to the Pedal Hopper website.

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