where has the time gone?!
I'm excited, scared, nervous, anxious, etc. etc. etc. Just like (almost) everyone else before their IM!
I am most excited to run across that finish line with a giant smile...no matter what the clock says (as long as it's 16:xx and change of course :)). Seriously, I've had a ball this season. An awesome new coach, close friends to train with, several PR's scattered around...I'll have nothing to complain about when crossing that finish line. I'll have my family and friends waiting for me and for that I'm stoked. I've not ever worked as hard as I have this year. AND IT'S BEEN FUN. *insert cheesy grin here*
All that being said, I still have big dreams, big goals, FAST expectations. why shouldn't I? I've never heard anyone say 'Don't reach for the stars...they are waaayyyy the f up there....you're arms aren't long enough to grab one'.
To those who don't like MY big dreamin'. I'll get my star. It may not be on the 18th, but the 18th won't be my last try. Thank you very much. You've fueled my fire, you've motivated me that extra step closer to my star. So if you don't mind, I'll keep dreamin' BIG.
You know what the bigger the dream the sweeter the reward! You got this! Can't wait to meet you next week- and yes you will get that star! Love the post!