Sunday, December 9, 2012

The *other* things...

Now that I'm back in the swing of things (whatever really that means), I have been trying to figure out what/why I had a stellar (for me) 2012 season.  What was the difference between this year and previous years?  While I was getting my massage tonight (hint) I came up with a list of *other* things that helped me this season.

In no particular order...

  • massage/bodywork - I have a membership to Massage Envy and incorporated ~ 1 x mo massage.  Find a good therapist and stick with them.  My gal would give me good insight to what was going on with my body.
  • ART - Active Release Technology incorporated with chiropractic work.  I tried to get in 2 x month but sometimes less depending on my schedule.
  • MORE veggies - Thanks to Michelle I've practiced eating MORE veggies when sick, tired, injured and really felt the benefits of this.  I ate a bunch of veggies before, but when feeling 'down' I added more in.  It really does work!!
  • foam rolling - Totally sucks and hurts like hell, but I believe this is a MAJOR reason I didn't have any major injury this year.  My goal for 2013 (more in a later post on those :)) is 3 x week for 15'.  I set my timer on my phone and after dinner I just DID IT.  Yes it hurts, but moving some of the scar tissue that builds up after using and abusing your muscles day in and day out really helps with injury prevention.
  • ice - I sat with ice ANY time I started to feel like I was getting a niggle.  At home while watching TV or at the office and sometimes to bed.  
  • coach - I was fortunate to have a coach who really works with me and can provide the appropriate feedback kept me totally motivated throughout the year without a major burnout.  (I did have 1 minor burout ~ 8 weeks pre-IMAZ)
  • MORE sleep - This is what got me through the minor burnout.  I just had to get more sleep.  That for me was going to bed ~ 8:30 and getting up around 4:45.  There were a couple of nights it was 7:30.
  • compression - Easy enough.  After my long runs I'd wear the compression (sometimes to bed) and the next day to work.
I have all intention of keeping up with all the *other* things in 2013.  I think they kept me healthy enough to push myself in training without major injury or burnout.

Let's see what 2013 can bring!  Happy Holidays!


  1. Replies
    1. I'm good! How are you? Big Congrats on Rockin' the W in 2013! How exciting!!!
