Training has been tough lately. A LOT of hours but I know the end is near (bittersweet). I am not sure I've been this dedicated to my training, like ever. Everything I do (well almost) is geared towards Kona. Eating better foods, limited booze (how I miss my vino), early to bed, early to rise, etc, etc, etc. If this is the only shot I get at this race, I want it to go down with no regrets, no 'what ifs'. I'm sure this is all added stress I'm putting on myself but so be it. I may only have one shot.
I've had the BEST support from my family and friends, so a big mahalo to everyone who has reached out to me. It's overwhelming the amount of support I've received. It's so greatly appreciated and means more than I can describe in this blog. Just know that I am so appreciative and incredibly grateful for this experience and I hope I don't disappoint come race day. :) Thank you thank you thank you. Please bear with the tears, emotional doesn't even describe the array of feelings right now. ;)
I read a blog today that talked about people being nice to people...just because...and how much of a difference you may make in someone's day, week, month, hell even life, because of a hello, a hug, words of encouragement or even just a smile. I am not sure we realize the impact we make on each other.
So reading this blog today was ironic cause this happened last week...
Out of the blue, I received a message very unexpectedly from someone who I hadn't talked to in years (the power of social media). It happened to be just about when shit was hitting the fan. I was exhausted. I was in the thick of training and nothing was going well (or so it seemed). I even cried in my ice bath (not because of the cold but b/c in my head that run was that bad, although looking back, it really wasn't ;))...the wise man said this... like a chicken. think about what they do all day long, they put their head down and focus all of their energy of what's in front of them at that moment...
That's the goal for the next 4 weeks. Head down, one workout at a time, one errand at a time, one day at a time, focus on the now...the later will come soon enough. This sport is so empowering yet will strip you raw. It's funny how life is, when I needed to hear this the most, it was said. Reading it now again brings tears.raw.real exhausted.emotion...told ya
So smile to the random walking down the street, give a hug, reach out to someone who you haven't in may make someone's day, week, month just that much better and brighter (and easier to manage :)).
head down - chin up...4 weeks, I got this.
go girl! can't wait to cheer you on in kona!